
Virtual Meeting Academic Collaboration withUniversiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Federation of Malaysia


OnFebruary 14, 2022,Professor Dr. Tippawan Lorsuwannarat, Acting President,

Professor Dr. Wisakha Phoochinda, Vice President for Research and Academic Services,

Associate Professor Dr. Sombat Kusumavalee, Vice President for Academic and International Affairs,

Dr. Aree Manosuthikit, Assistant to the President for International Affairs,

Associate Professor Dr. Patthareeya Lakpetch, Director of Research Center

and OIA Team attended the virtual meeting via ZOOM program, together with

Associate Professor Dr. Nor Hafizah Mohamed Harith, Dean,

Dr. Zarina Mohd Zain, Deputy Dean Academic Affairs,

Dr. Mazlan Che Soh, Deputy Dean Student Affairs,

Dr. Radduan Yusof, Deputy Dean Industry, Community and Alumni Network (ICAN),

Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies,

Dr. Suhaimi Bin Haji Abd Samad, Assistant Rector of UiTM Seremban Campus,

Miss Jeniwaty Mohd Jody, Coordinator of Corporate Affairs and OIA Team.

The purpose of this meeting was focused on academic collaboration opportunities,